About Us
Phillip Gessert aka Pharo Phil, Pharo Bank Proprietor
A western historian, Phil began collecting and creating western gambling equipment in the early 70s, on the ranch in Arizona. During a 40 year career as a film maker in Hollywood the Pharo Bank business was inspired by the old gambling equipment manufacturing greats, like H.C. Evans, Geo Mason and Will and Fink. However, these days the call for faro outfits is limited, so we remain a small shop. The event business has been the strength of Pharo Bank and the network of old west gambling enthusiast has created quite a fraternity of modern day Knights of the Green Cloth. Learn about all this and more in the pages of this website. Revised March 2019.
The Cochise Hotel is the home base of Pharo Bank
Built in 1897 this double adobe landmark is the oldest hotel in Arizona and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is a unique museum, Bed and Breakfast, and center of the Arizona Pharo Bank old west Casino Events. Find out more about the Cochise Hotel at cochisehotel.net
The Cochise Hotel
The Cochise Hotel is the first stop of the Ghost Town Trail, which goes through the Sulpher Spings Valley Ghost Towns of Pearce, Courtland, Gleeson and into Tombstone. There was a time when Pharo Bank had it's Casino and Museum in the city of Tombstone, prior to moving to Cochise.
Click on the above photos to link to youtube videos
The Scoundrels at the San Diego Fair 2017 Wyatt Earp's Lucky Day Mine adventure Soapy talks about Ancestry