The Knights of the Green Cloth
Pharo Bank has been in business since the turn of the century supplying custom Faro gambling equipment to Motion picture companies and the public. The company also offers wild west entertainment, from a single Faro table to a complete old west casino.
Our dealers are straight from the nineteenth century. Our base is the historic Cochise Hotel, near Tombstone Arizona, with fellow sporting men throughout the southwest and California. Please sign in to become a member of our fraternaty, the Knights of the Green Cloth.

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May 2020 News update
Welcome our newest member of the Knights of the Green Cloth.
Johnny Faro aka Nickolas Marinelli
Three decades ago a young grifter wandered into Abe Warner's Cobweb Palace near San Francisco's Barbary Coast. It was there a soiled dove introduced the boy to Faro.
Today Johnny Faro ordered a new hand made Faro outfit of Layout Board, Case Keeper, Check Rack and shuffle board from Pharo Bank. Good luck to him as he turns the cards on the Green Cloth.